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Christ, faithful Sower, scattering the good seed, God’s word of promise, full of truth and grace;
give us, your people, courage, strength, and wisdom, that we may serve you in this time and place.
Teach us discernment as the quickened seeds sprout, when weeds and good plants have together grown, to tell temptations from the worth they mimic,
to seek your purpose rather than our own.
Gird us with patience when no harvest ripens,
lest we despair and think our labors vain;
though it seem slow, your word of life will prosper, seedtime at length will yield abundant grain.
— hymn by Carl P. Daw (1944–)

Located in Sharon, Massachusetts, we are a small, welcoming, Eucharist-centered community of the Episcopal Church. Many spiritual paths have brought us together. We run the gamut from life-long Episcopalians to simple pilgrims seeking the divine. Our parish is a diverse family that is committed to welcoming the stranger and child among us. Come and join us!
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